Can These Healthy Foods Harm Your Dog?

Human Foods That Your Dog Can and Can NOT Eat
Do you like to give your dog a human food treat? If you ever give your dog any human food then you'll want to read this article!
Most dog owners know that you shouldn't give your dogs chocolate but what about grapes or tomatoes?
We wanted to put together a list of as many foods as we could find that your dog is ok to eat or that your dog should not have.
We are not veterinarians! - Always check with your actual veterinarian before giving your dog any human food just to be safe!
Also, the foods listed in this article are not meant to be 100% of your dog’s diet. The foods listed below that are good for dogs should be used as a treat or snack, not as every part of every meal.
Even fruits or vegetables that are safe for your dog can be harmful if given in large quantities. When in doubt use common sense and feed your dog a diet of mostly dog food and healthy human foods like the ones below in small quantities.
Ok, are you ready? Let's find out what kinds of human foods are safe to give to dogs and which aren't.
These Foods are Safe For Dogs (In SMALL Amounts)
You can definitely give your dogs a delicious apple. Did you know that apples make great natural toothbrushes? Not only that but apples are a great source of vitamin C and fiber.
Tips: Be sure not to give them the seeds or the core! You can freeze then for a summer snack or even cook them if your dog has any difficulty chewing them.
Bananas are safe for dogs and they LOVE them! You do want to be careful not to give your dog a lot of bananas though because they do have a lot of sugar.
If you have a dog that has diabetes or on a special diet always check with your vet before giving them any human food like bananas just to be safe.
Broccoli is safe for dogs in small amounts. You have to be careful of the stems because they can get stuck in your dog's esophagus. Broccoli also contains isothiocyanates which can cause some gastric problems in some dogs.
Brussel Sprouts
If your dog likes brussel sprouts then it’s safe to give him or her some. Brussel sprouts are a great source of vitamin K, vitamin C and a lot of other nutrients that are great for dogs and people. They can also cause some gas so you will want to give your dogs limited quantities of them just to be safe.
Our dogs can not get enough carrots and I bet yours may love them too. Carrots are high in fiber and loaded with beta-carotene and a lot of other vitamins that are great for both dogs and people. Carrots (like apples) also make a great natural toothbrush for dogs. As with any human food you are giving to your dog, giving them a little bit of carrots won’t hurt, but be careful not to make their diet mostly carrots!
Green Beans
Green beans are healthy for humans and dogs, so feel free to give your dog some. Just be sure they are plain and without sauce or added salt. Canned or fresh is fine too. Green beans are filled with fiber, vitamin K, vitamin C and a ton of other healthy nutrients and vitamins that dogs and people benefit from.
It is safe to give your dog small amounts of an orange. Since they are high in sugar you don't want to give a lot, but as a treat once in a while oranges are fine for dogs. You should only give them the parts of the inside and not the peel or any seeds. Oranges are high in vitamin C and potassium which is great for humans and dogs.
It is safe to give your dog small amounts of peach but you have to make sure to be careful. Just like cherries, the peach pit has small amounts of cyanide which is toxic and your dog can choke on it.
So make sure you cut all around the pit and only give them small amounts since peaches are high in sugar. Do NOT give your dog canned peaches because they have way too much sugar.
Pears are safe for you dog to eat as long as you follow a few simple rules. Always remove the seeds and pit because the seeds have a small amount of cyanide in them and the pit is a choking hazard.
Also, make sure to cut the pears into small, bite-sized pieces before giving it to your dog and of course only give them a little bit as a treat.
Pineapple makes a great treat for your dog. Just make sure to only give them the fruit and none of the spiked outer shell. Pineapple is loaded with vitamins and minerals and most any dog will love the sweet taste.
As with any overly sweet fruit, only give them small amounts as a treat due to the high amount of sugar in pineapples.
Raspberries contain antioxidants that are great for the health of your dog. You should only give your dog small amounts of raspberries though because they contain xylitol which is a toxin and can be unsafe in larger quantities.
Also, make sure to give your dog raspberries in their natural form, and not with chocolate syrup or any other ingredient that may be good for humans but bad for dogs.
Strawberries are another healthy fruit that your dog can have. Strawberries are a great source of vitamin C and fiber and can make a great summer treat for your dog.
Make sure to only give your dog fresh strawberries and cut them into smaller pieces to avoid choking. Do not give your dog strawberries soaked in syrup or coated in sugar or from a can though. Strawberries have a high sugar content on their own, but the canned and pie filling ones are loaded with way too much sugar to be healthy for your dog.
These Foods are NOT RECOMMENDED For Dogs
While asparagus may not be unsafe to give to your dog, experts agree that there is not a lot of benefit to giving it to them.
The reason is that raw asparagus is tough and hard for dogs to digest. If you cook it long enough for your dog to digest it properly a lot of the beneficial nutrients will be cooked out. It's best to eat the asparagus yourself and give your dog something else from this list.
Even though spinach considered ok for your dog to eat, you will be better off skipping this green vegetable. Spinach is high in oxalic acid which can lead to kidney issues in both humans and dogs in high enough amounts.
Your dog probably wouldn't be able to eat enough spinach to cause a problem but to be safe you will be better off going with a different veggie.
These Foods are NOT SAFE For Dogs
Avocados have a toxin in them called persin. Avocados are safe for humans and are so delicious we could eat them every day, but they are not safe for dogs. The meat of the avocado doesn't have much of this toxin but it's enough to be unhealthy for your dog.
Tip: Make some great guacamole and enjoy it, but don't give any to your dog!
Most of us already know that chocolate is not safe for dogs. Even though it's not a fruit or vegetable, we wanted to make sure it was on the list just in case you have not heard that chocolate is toxic to dogs before.
So no matter how much your dog may like it, never give your dog chocolate!
Mushrooms are not safe for dogs...mostly. There are some varieties that may not hurt your dog, but there are many types of mushroom that may harm your dog. To be safe, it’s best to avoid all mushrooms.
If you walk your dog in places where wild mushrooms grow you definitely want to keep him or her from eating any, no matter how safe they look. While store bought mushrooms are safe for people, it is best to not even give these varieties to your dog just to be safe.
Onions are not safe for dogs, so do not give any to your dog! Onions, leeks and chives are all in a plant family called allium and they are not safe for dogs in any amount. An onion might smell delicious to your best friend, but for your dog’s safety be sure to keep onions away from all dogs!